Saturday, 1 December 2007

thoughts on audacity


Wednesday, 29 August 2007

M.E. and Ancient Healing

(shaman the one with eyes to see in the dark)

We are mind and body and Spirit. Why do we think that when one has dis-ease it will have no effect on the others? We are energy; we make it and transform it all the time; 60,000 years ago they made this connection. We made a light bulb and lost it! We focussed too hard on the machinery and forgot the fuel.
M.E is a dis-ease of the mind, the body and most importantly the spirit.
Shamanism is potentially an important factor in healing this dis-ease. The Shaman heals the Spirit as well as the mind and the body; one such healing is Soul retrieval.
At times of great trauma, stress, and long illness’ or of abusive situations the Soul fragments and parts will leave in order to protect themselves. This can happen at any time in life and the loss of this can bring a human being to their knees. They lose all interest in life and become wastelands of matter in the sea of apathy.
The Shaman is adept at accessing altered states of consciousness, which allows them to enter other world realities. It is within these other worlds that they seek out and find the answers, to do battle for the Soul part if necessary, to de-possess a person of less than totally supportive habits and to then journey back to the Seeker and teach them how to walk their path by connecting them with allies like Power Animals and Guides.
This also gives the Seeker back the power over the malaise that they may feel is at the root of the problem; releasing energy and allowing it to flow freely again.

Even although it is well over 60,000 years old it has applications to the modern dis – eases we suffer from.
M.E. also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which can advance to include Fibromyalgia; which attacks the muscle fibres themselves, causing a great deal of pain and an almost complete inability to function.
The M.E stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, it attacks the immune system via the brain and spinal chord. It can be a frighteningly debilitating dis-ease ranging from bone crushing exhaustion to in extreme cases long periods of hospitalisation.
Sufferers describe their symptoms as severe exhaustion, inability to do even the simplest of tasks like brushing their own teeth or washing and dressing themselves. Even completing a coherent sentence is a gargantuan task.
They become isolated by their inability to have enough energy to socialise or go shopping; even talking to people on the phone expends energy they just do not have.
I know this – I was finally diagnosed with it in 2002, but it has been with me now since at least 1976. Sporadic bouts in between long periods of remission, if you are lucky you may stay that way, if not the periods of remission become shorter and less frequent as the dis-ease relentlessly takes over your life.
M.E. is triggered by a lot of different circumstances and these are usually based in traumatic and or abusive events during childhood and through early adulthood, constant exposure to virus’, not taking time off or going back to work too early would result in consistently high levels of cortisol being dumped into the body. Myalgic encephalomyelitis is akin to battle fatigue. You can only be on your guard for so long before your body has to rest, if you do not – you wear the body out and the immune system with it.
What has this got to do with Shamanic healing?
People who have had traumatic, abusive incidents/ accidents or emotional breakdowns, whether through outside influences or self inflicted often will come to a Shaman with symptoms of M.E. they bandy around words like void, emptiness, fatigue, apathy, headaches, always catching colds, feeling ill all the time, they are just too tired to fight anymore.
The belief that during a time of trauma or abuse the Soul will fragment and part of it will leave the body in order to protect itself is also a part of Buddhist teaching – they describe the first trauma as that of birth. This would possibly be the first fragmentation, personally I think that it can happen in vitro and even if conception was not as loving as it could have been. If it is traumatic to the mother, then the foetus will experience it as trauma too.
The amazing burst of energy and vitality that happens when a Soul part is returned can be seen on the physical plane. The recipient not only feels the whole thing happening but the changes physically are immediately apparent.
They walk differently; there is a spring in their step, a light in their eyes and a lilt to their voice. Sometimes there are tears of joy or relief, recognition of a long lost friend returned home.
The job does not end there, of course, the Seeker is taught how to connect to themselves and their own Universe inside and out, but that is another story…
It is not for everyone, nothing is. This is a very subjective look at a subject that is personal to me. Shamanic healing saved my life in more ways than one, it is not a cure, but it is a healing. I am a work in progress and through becoming a Shamanic Practitioner the progress is coming in leaps and bounds.
All things are relative and what worked for me may not work for everyone, but it will work for some.
You don’t have to be ill to see a Shaman – we have lots of fun things we do too. It’s really intriguingly Quantum.

Monday, 28 May 2007

this is a two kit kat and 3 coffee experience

Path of the Shaman
Shamanic practise is more than 50,000 years old. It is not a religion of itself but can be found interwoven into many religions; not excluding the main known orthodox beliefs. A part of, but apart from the major religions of the world. It is singular and of itself, and is remarkable in that although developed by many separate cultures, it has a central core that is common to all these indigenous traditions.

From the Australian Aborigine to the Tibetan Monks, from Siberia to Africa, from North and South America to Northern Europe. From Santa Claus to Arch Angels, Shamanism is alive and well and becoming more and more apparent as the Universe shifts back the spiritual balance to the individual; be it person, tribe, clan or village, the Universe is calling its warriors to arms, the Warriors of the Shadow, the Shapeshifters, the Healers, the Pyromancers, the Psychopompers, those who have eyes to see in the dark.

Le Barre said that there were Shamen before there were Gods, this is understandable as it would behove that a Shaman would be the one with access to the other words; other realities and different dimensions. Only when one found the way to enter these dimensions would it be possible for them to communicate with the beings/spirits therein. How they chose the first Shamen is still a mystery.

Supposedly, the original travellers to space and time had no pre - conceived ideas of what to expect and therefore, the fact that the Shamens’ individual (and very separate) experiences have so much in common has allowed them to connect with others such as themselves, that a belief system of ‘other worlds, of other dimensions, of other realities of has evolved from a core experience and recounting of these.

Their relating of journeys to otherworldly realms, the purpose of which was to find good hunting, good shelter, or more prosaically - an honourable victory over a Shaman from a rival tribe. From the birth of new members of the tribes, what their souls would bring to their people, what gifts would be brought by this new life, to the guidance of souls passing through the veils of shadow lands back into the void. The Shamen were the ones who knew how, and each one through ritual and wisdom passed down by elder Shamen to the chosen few, would have the responsibility of the lives and fortunes of all those within the tribe.

The similarities and the success of these rituals and ceremonials are testament not only to the wisdom and aptitude of the individual, but are an indication to a shared knowledge of something most of the Western world can only dream of. Thankfully, some of us still do dream of it and though even fewer of us act upon those dreams, the few are increasing in number as we as humans begin to realise that there is a finite amount of money, carbon based fuel and land.

This brings us to our main belief systems today, which have collected that which suited and rejected as evil that which did not, allowed the creation of Heaven and Hell, and who is to go to whichever the ’priest’ decreed through his knowledge of the new mysteries; 2,000 years young. The basis of which was made upon texts translated from Aramaic and Sanskrit into Greek and then Latin. No matter that the academic prowess, and therefore the competence of the priests was suspect as long as they were zealous, pure, pious, knew the fundamentals and were willing to implement the Gospel according to whomsoever was revising the “good book” at the time; any which way and with as much force as it would take to convert the poor daemon worshipping, simple minded souls they encountered on their way, who had the audacity to believe that they knew more about their spiritual needs than these new guys in frocks, who couldn’t speak their language, couldn’t cope with their weather and conditions and instead of being gracious guests became tyrannical overseers.

While doing this pushed most pure Shamanic traditions to past the point of extinction in places, it only succeeded to bestialise and ridicule its practise in others, though still chasing it underground and ensuring that only the most inaccessible places on this earth kept a pure tradition. Were it not for some of the more open of European minds the Native American Culture would have been totally lost to a Hebrew God whose testament has been bastardised and politically spun throughout the ages - not least by the first Pope who had converted from a Pagan background, and in his wisdom decided what the poor plebs could handle and what they could not; so it was the Gospel according to Constantine not God.

Still taking into consideration the pantheon of God/Goddess’ from various traditions, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Nordic/Heathen. Shamanic resonance can be seen in all of these, even unto the Bible. The bible
Teaches Druidic theology, the sacrificing of oneself for the good of the many, for the good of the land, this was taught by the Druid priests since there were people on this island. The King who was and will be again, risen from the dead to lead his people to freedom of suppression is not just the remit of the bible. Every child knows the Arthurian legends. Every mainstream religion is based upon the messiah concept. The de- possessing of spirit’s, the common sense that has been lost in translation, the trial on the mount the feeding of the 5,000, the vision quest in the desert 40 days and 40 nights. Go tell it to a Native American Brave, that is before the missionaries came to make him over in Gods own image, before they came to destroy and bully a people who were so connected to the land they lived and died for it. A people whose Medicine men treated not just the wounds of their people but the traumas of their souls, by connecting to the land that sustained them.

Shamen have power over fire, time and space, the weather, and particularly they have great power in healing arts and in psychopomping ; the assisting of souls crossing over to a new
Dimension, or state of being. These days our lives are full of arts and means to keep death at bay. Death is the ultimate change and we, although having a tendency to embrace change when we can see the outcome, have less and less intention to accept and embrace death. Somehow we have come to see it as an end to ourselves, in our human form we are so self obsessed. Western Society by and large does not take to spirituality unless there is a crisis in the offing. A Tsunami will do it for some, though less of praying for the dead and more of rifling the wallet takes place, there are a few people who put aside their everyday lives and trials and for some reason have an all encompassing urge to do something - something they would never normally think of.

People go on holiday every day to places like Thailand and India and the Maldives. They see the poverty, they see the potential for destruction and loss of life but they don’t own it, it is not their problem. They’re doing their bit by visiting the place and brining in much needed tourist money. Most of them go home having had a great time and not realising or even registering the fact that there are people who live on the edge every single day, that their tourist money is actually not doing much good, because the more they visit the more hotels have to be built therefore the more land is cleared. Natural breakwaters, natural barriers no longer exist. The government spends no money on early warning systems because it’s not as important as the next new resort for rich Westerners to come and spend their money.

And the indigenous peoples, they live with death every day. Their rights are taken from them by faceless foreigners who want their land and resources but these are finite resources. The real gold is in the fact that indigenous peoples have treatments for cancers that we don’t know about. They don’t get the kind of cancers and diseases that we have. That they have good health and longevity that we can only dream of. That they know a peace and contentment that we shall never see again, lest we go back to real basics remembering who we are and that we need each other, not another car, not a bigger house, not a pool; we need to connect.

It is known as a magico - religious practise, whose practitioners bring on an ecstatic trance state, through dance, chanting, journeying and meditation. Some practitioners use psychotropic drugs, these are not necessary for all.

Friday, 27 April 2007

Eyes to see in the Dark

The Tungus tribe of Northern Siberia coined
The word ‘Shaman’ to mean a healer, or one with
Eyes to see in the dark. It’s quite a talent, to see in
Dark for there are many different kinds of darkness.
There is the darkness of depression, low energy and
Low self esteem. The darkness of apathy, life is passing
By and all you can say is ‘so what’.

There are many different ways to be healed, there are no
Instant cures. Shamanic healing will take you to
find allies and give you resources to enable you to
find the passion that you once had; giving you a way to
Say goodbye to the past while still honouring it’s
part in your life’s journey, and your life is a journey, how you proceed with it will depend on you and the choices you make along the way.

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if…? There are many theories on this subject and it is now no longer in the realm of the impossible and not even in the improbable it now lies in the possible. Quantum physics is daily pushing the boundaries of what we suspect to the edge and beyond of what we know. For some, these have been revelations, for others merely justifications of long held beliefs now becoming fact.
Not just anecdotally but specifically and proven by eminent scientists, the quantum worlds are waiting for us to jump right in and find out how many ways there are to calculate the probabilities of what is in the box.
Otto Schroedinger could explain that one better than I.

More than 50,000 years ago, there were people who didn’t know what a box was, so they didn’t put themselves or situations in one. They saw everything as a new possibility, a new challenge and they went out to meet that challenge with a specific outcome in mind. How do I know this? Cave paintings and artefacts found at archaeological digs prove the posit that positive thinking is nothing new, it is in fact something we have had to learn all over again. We kind of lost it somewhere in the era of industrial enlightenment.
The day they switched on a light bulb something inside of us switched off.
The dark is a verdant and amazing thing, light casts only shadow which is such a flimsy facsimile of the dark that we seek to control.

The shadows are places of confusion and there lie the monsters. There are no real edges, no markers in shadow; everything is ephemeral and constantly shifting with every small change of light. So, really, depression and apathy are shadows. In the most part for some reason we are taught at an early age to fear the dark – the creatures of the night are weird and wonderful, but usually deadly… at least to the others in their nocturnal world.

Things that live in the light fear things that live in the dark; if light is so wonderful why is the womb, the safest place you will ever be, not illuminated somehow?

Or is the dark of the womb the light of creation?
©Sleepy Dragon December 2006

Friday, 30 March 2007

It doesn't bear thinking about...


I received a letter today from the guys at Animal Asia Foundation; they are a charity involved in the rescue and rehabilitation of Moon Bears that are ‘farmed’ for their bile in China and Vietnam.

The web site really is worth a look at, especially for all you guys interested in Chinese medicine. It really is an eye opener, to say the least.

The most interesting fact is that even the Chinese agree that modern day herbal substitutes are no less effective and in fact may well be far superior; especially when the fact that some of the authentic bear bile is collected from open suppurating wounds, so the medicine is tainted by pus.

Of course, it is the same with everything else these days, the provenance of the product is never guaranteed nor is the age or condition of the bear from which it came.

One thing that can be guaranteed though, is that the bears’ condition is not a cutsey, cuddly, holistic one!

Trapped, sometimes losing limbs whose stumps are left to stew – they are held in cages they cannot even turn around in. Some of them have their claws and teeth removed. A metal spigot is rammed into their bile ducts from which the bile drips constantly; otherwise they endure daily sticking with long unsterile needles in order to harvest the bile.

If you want to know more about the work of the Animal Asia Foundation, please get onto their website and take a look at the other things they do too.

Did you know for instance, that China, the civilised country that is about to host the Olympics, has a cull policy on dogs, or at least the ones not being kept for the pot? Their fate is just as henious, the more horrific the death, the more tender the meat, such a civillised way to do things, so cultured, so happening in this day and age!

Using a rabies outbreak as an excuse they have induced the people to club not only their own pet dogs to death, but the packs of strays that run around trying to survive, rewarding the people with a few cents for each dog they kill. This is a government policy.

Oh, the banking advert about the pets in Hong Kong, mainly propaganda,Communist China is still allowing a certain leeway with the Hong Kong lifestyle, but also remember that HSBC is a Chinese owned bank.

Local government officials have no intention of vaccinating either the dogs or the local wildlife – as is done in central Europe by dropping treated foods.

Then there’s the boiling alive of the cats at market...

Such a great place to go for a holiday or to see an event of such spectacle as the Olympics; though it is doubtful anything of the kind will be seen in the environs of the Olympic villages in Beijing.

The human rights question has been ‘attended to’, to the satisfaction of the Olympic Committee – but a country whose men women and children are forced into Stadiums (out in the sticks) to watch the execution of thieves, a government who has no hesitation to forcibly evict their own people flooding farms and villages to build a damn, is still very lacking in human rights. Let's not even mention the Tibet thing! The shooting of Tibetan nuns and monks(average age, 19yo) fleeing for their lives,target practice for bored border guards who see them as insignificant- something similar to a certain attitude of a certain people about 60yrs ago, in Europe,the mind set is there.
So no, they don't stop with the animals, they start with them.

It is therefore not difficult to see why, then, they treat their animals the way they do, and will continue to do so, unless we find a way to reach the imagination of the man in the street, and that is difficult to do in a regime like China's.

Small victories, with the animals will lead to greater ones for the humans.

They may be the least of us, but they are the best.

“ If all the beasts were gone,
man would die from loneliness of spirit,
for whatever happens to the beast,
happens to the man.

All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth,
Befalls the sons of the earth.” Chief Seattle, Dwamish

The opinions and sentiments expressed here are mine and have no bearing on the policies or the procedures employed by the Animal Asia Foundation.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Art of Life, Art Full Life


The ‘Big Picture’, you know that one, yes? All the time people say to you “look at the Big Picture”; usually just before they try to sell you something, be it a car, a house, or an idea.

So, this ‘Big Picture’ aka ‘The Grand Design’, this thing that we are all a part of and is supposedly therefore a part of us; would be the Universe, right?

Now it seems to me, just sitting here, actually I was lying in bed contemplating getting up after a night of my usual weird and wonderful dreams –(of which this could be the result by the way…)- when this thought of the sum of the parts being greater than the whole, that’s been circling the drain of my brain for a while now, got caught up on the safety filter and got re-cycled; so here I sit at this laptop regurgitating it for public consumption, what a pleasant metaphor – I do hope you have eaten already?

Anyway, I digress, my favourite hobby. To get back to these parts, well those would be us then. Very simple statement on the surface but as we all know nothing is that simple – just ask the guy who built the Titanic!
I’ll bet he wasn’t too clear on the ‘Big Picture’ in that perhaps he didn’t take a clear perspective on what his design was going to be doing and where it would be doing it, after all the design in itself was flawless, according to him, the designer, perhaps if he had consulted someone who had been in the waters he may have been able to describe hazards such as icebergs that go with the flow causing chaos wherever they go, who knows?

Again, it reminds me of that little tale in one of the English books at primary, do you remember them? They would have a host of wonderful information like what a baby eel was called and interspersed between all this information on verbs and clauses there would be a little homily where everything would be put together. There was one in particular that tickled me; I had no idea at the time why, it was the way it scanned it read like a horse at the canter; I now know it was possibly my first light bulb experience on my way to discovering chaos theory.

It was an anonymous author and it was about how the simple act of losing a nail from a horseshoe lost a battle. I think it may have been about Paul Revere but don’t hold me to that. Suffice to say if you don’t know the piece that this bloke was given a message to take to a general he went to jump on the horse and noticed that the horse’s shoe was loose, but he was in a hurry and it was a very important message so he ignored it, ran the horse like a madman, the horse lost the shoe, they were in the middle of nowhere and the horse couldn’t go on without a shoe so the message didn’t get there and the battle was lost and therefore the war was lost – all for the want of securing one little nail.
Taking this into consideration, just think of the power that one man had to change the course of history.

Are you getting it now?

I have this friend who works hard and is depressed most of the time, he’s not happy! I asked him what he wanted to do about it. He asked me what I meant, like he had no control over his own state of mind, and you know he doesn’t know that he has.

Or, he really doesn’t want to know – and I think that is the crux of the matter, for if we know, then we have to take some responsibility for it, we have to be at cause!

He is right, being at cause is hard work, taking responsibility for how you choose to use the power you have been given to change things takes guts. As a rule human beings don’t like change so much, we like to swim in our soup – bathe in our custard of trial and tribulations – that is what we know and we are all wary of what we don’t know. So we wallow in our comfort zones, envying the people who step out and get dry: craving the will to go forward and do it for ourselves but feeling the cold draught of a different atmosphere we sink right back into our ‘stuff’. It’s so much easier to give the power away, and then blame circumstances for your lot.

Don’t get me wrong, we all do it, even those of us who have the towel on and are eying the door to the next room…we have to empty the bath you see, and that means that we have to put part of ourselves into it again to connect to the chain that holds the plug in order to pull it out and let all that stuff go; it’s tempting to linger there in a memory but it’s not a memory it’s an emotion that clouds the memory, that is the sticky part, it’s a bigger state than Texas and I don’t mean Alaska! Keeping the mind on the ball is one thing and it is the easiest thing if you always remember what the ball is actually for, its goal in life is to get into goal, all you have to do is help it on it’s way.

It sounds so simple doesn’t it? Oh yes,it is that simple, note, I did not say easy. If it were totally easy we’d all be quite happy being and doing and the World would be full of contented and forward thinking individuals who would most definitely be more than the sum of it’s whole.

Everything we do each day either keeps us where we are or moves us forward. I have a little anxiety attack kind of thing when I move forward, that is when I know I have, my unconscious mind tells me by making me aware of a weight being shifted from around my heart. It’s doesn’t make me feel wonderful immediately, but I recognise that I’ve just stepped out of a comfort zone and into new territory; by doing as little as writing this and posting it on the net, or talking to a stranger who I know can help me but I’m less than totally confident won’t see me as a right twit.
It’s then I remember a story told to me by an old boyfriend the end of which is ‘ if they know you it won’t matter – if they don’t know you, well, it really doesn’t matter.

As long as you are being who you are. Who you know you can be. Every day can be a good day you have the power to make it so.

Is the sum of your parts greater than your being as a whole? Do you colour your area of the ‘Big Picture’, or do you give the brush to some other? Do you think the whole of your being is greater than the sum of your parts?
It’s just a matter of Balance. Pick up the brush, it’s your canvas, paint your picture bright, see what happens…

Monday, 29 January 2007

Time Tails And The Begining of String

The Asking Mouse, The Showing Mouse, The knowing Mouse

& The String Making Mouse.

Once upon a couple of ticks of the medium Universe time- piece, (you know there’s more than one – don’t you? We really cannot begin if you don’t know the basics. Well, we aren’t going to use the vastly big picture Universe timepiece, because, well, then would be the wrong then – do you see?)
The now is here and now and the then and there is where we want to start, where is that you may ask? Well, we are here and now – but we want to be then and there because that is where the Mouses are – always.

You asked a question, and you must have asked a question in that time, then and there – where you were – as the Asking Mouse heard and now here you are – just – there. So, you see we have to have different size timepieces, as there are different sizes for different questions and different times. Why, you ask? Well the answers will be different in shape and size and will not fit if you ask a question now for then, or for here and now when you are there and then, or a small question for a large answer, or, indeed a large question for a small answer, although this last is not always the case, this could be a kind of iceberg answer… do you see? I see that now you are puzzled, therefore we must take you to the Showing Mouse, and there you will see, because then you will be there and not here and now.

There you are, here at last. First you were there and then, then you came to be here and now – in the space between the first tick and the last, close to the talk of the Asking Mouse, but before the tick in the tale of the Showing Mouse, do you know where this is? I only ask because I am here and now and you have gone then and there, where I may not follow for my time is now not then. Like a thought is thunk and is not now, now but is then. It was here and now it is there, and what was here has been and gone, and here and now can never go to there and then. Do you see though, that here and now and then and there can all go round and round to been and gone? Each one on it’s own but part of another, joined in a journey of becoming. Events become, and grow from here and go to there and sometimes they begin now and become then, and then they’ve been and gone. You can see this now – can you not?

I see you are still a little curious and so you must go to the Knowing Mouse. Here and now, again you must go there and then, when you’ve been and gone, you will know the answer to your question and you will see and know the String Making Mouse. Who may answer your question now?

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Schroedinger's Cat,and the start of M.E?

This was written in the latter part of 2005.

For the past few months, longer even, but particularly these past few months; my mind has been meandering, slowly, inextricably back to my past.

I have never really left it, or perhaps it has never really left me, the reason; well if I explore it fully I’m thinking that I might realise that I cannot become someone else without fully recognising who I was before. A Rite of Passage before the past is left behind?

All this sounds very mysterious, it’s not at all. When you think about it how many of our thoughts come out in plain obvious thought, without the leap of faith style jumps of logic, you realise there are very few because thoughts are a bit like quantum string theory, there’s no real beginning and no real end.
There are no straight lines and ultimately there are many variations all occupying space at the same time in different aspects, and all this happens in a nanosecond.

Is that the energy that is left when we die? Are these electrical impulses the basis of the soul that goes on? Who knows?

This is just another tangent that, having swung onto can take a while to get ourselves back on track.

And so it begins.

I was born, whether the usual way or the product of someone’s imagination, whichever makes no real difference; it will go the same way. Firstly, there’s baby stage not much going on there really, cause I can’t remember much of that period, except for having inoculations, that must have been quite traumatic as the memory has stayed with me since. I once asked as to what age I was when I was stuck with needles and all they could say was that I was far too young to have remembered that so I must have imagined it. Even if that is true, trust me, it doesn’t make it any less valid.

My next memory really is my sisters wedding - again I’m assured that there is no way I can have such excellent recollections of the day, but I maintain always that I have. There are a few fleeting memories of little blue Ford Anglia’s and my sister sporting a very fetching Astrakhan coat, (which always made me think of a large, soft, shiny tightly permed black poodle; I do remember once musing that perhaps it was a poodle - but was assured it was some kind of exotic sheep kind of woolly thing, whatever it was I was fairly taken with it).

But, I digress, I do that a lot by the way, but bear with me it will make sense in the end, well ish…

Anyway, I was sporting a pair of what I called “Smarty Sandals”, these were of soft red leather and a very pale crepe rubber sole, and when new, they smelled sublime. They were not, however, the sartorial elegance required by my mother and she insisted that I put on my shiny patent shoes that pinched and I could not move in without causing a blister, not to mention that they should never be smudged or scuffed; the merest chance of which brought on a fit of the vapours; which could very well escalate to a good smack round the ear. Not that much of a problem really unless there was a blunt instrument involved; this was often the case and a situation to be avoided at all cost. Unfortunately, I for some reason, inspired this behaviour to reach it’s greatest heights, and Mothers powers of improvisation never failed to impress, oft times quite literally!

So, quantum wise is there a me who was never at a sisters wedding? Was I too young to remember it and what I have in my head is an ability to connect to another space time dimension and integrate it to my memory. Or was I really just precocious enough to remember that day, because that was the day that one of those life changing moments happened? I've had quite a few of them over the years.

My wonderful dog has cancer. He is mostly responsible for my continued sanity. He kind of saved my life. I can’t even come close to saving his. The irony of it is tangible, here I am a veterinary nurse with supposedly unlimited resources at my disposal, and the favours owed to get access to others not so accessible and the people to make it happen. I won’t though. My dog has cancer - or to put it with slightly more validity - cancer has my dog. This is the situation. He has not the ability to cope with the inevitable intrusions to his life and his body and as his owner it is my responsibility to make sure that he has as little stress as possible -stress makes it worse, as with most things.

He will get as much treatment as I can give him that does not upset his fragile temperament. When the time comes I will be the one to do the deed when it becomes necessary, (very occasionally will they just fall asleep and not wake again, but that is extremely rare). Then I will be the one to berate myself for all I did not do and the grieving will begin.
But no, I’m in the position to begin the grieving process now - at this time - here while he lies in the bedroom, on top of the duvet. While I try to work around him and take him to his favourite walks. While I try to come to terms with mortality and all that comes with it. And I have to come to terms with letting him go; to give him the only thing I have left to give that will free him from this disease. For he has completed what the Universe brought him into my life to do, and he deserves my utmost compassion and duty of love. I have to listen to him and know when he tells me it’s time for him to leave, and allow him the dignity and grace that is all he deserves to go from me as peacefully and as painlessly as I can make it for him.

Is there a reality somewhere where cancer doesn’t exist? Where death is not the ultimate experience. I was going to write “human experience” but that is just too arrogant; everything in the universe must experience things perhaps not in the way that we perceive it but effect is caused by experience is it not? Is not that the reason we have a universe at all?

What if all we are really waiting for is all the strings to come together again? Perhaps once a gazillion eons ago there was a great pair of cosmic shears that snipped the universal string into small pieces making them part of a whole but again totally independent and singular. What if they run concurrently and in a cosmically bound tango the music for which a very few can faintly hear in the distance of a dream?

What happens when all the strings come back together? Will all the worlds then be the same because all of the beings therein will have experienced the full gamut of life. They will all have been all colours, will all have been rich or poor, good or evil? Will all have been everything they need to be, to be whole.
Is that the reason for different dimensions and the reality that lies within them? Was that what Nostradamus meant when he said the world would end?
Is that the meaning of life? Or is it just something that keeps our brains ticking over trying to make sense of it all? It’s all in the box. Otto Schroedinger’s box; and like Otto’s box, life is never certain until we unpack it. Only when we recognise what is in front of us and give it a name does it become true. So, until the box is opened there are so many different connotations of what is going on inside the box.

It was actually a highly distasteful experiment as they tend to be. I will not repeat it here but it is mentioned in ‘The Universe Next Door’ by Marcus Chown and I believe in Brysons’ ‘History of Everything’, and the basics are that anything is possible until proven otherwise by direct experience. An experience that we as humans have deemed true by mutual consent.
So, we really do make our Universe on a second by second basis, but, we limit what it will be - by mutual consent.
I revoke my consent. I want my Universe to be better. I want global warming to cool off, I want proper seasons where they have always been. I want to keep my beautiful dog who has the soul of an angel. I want that we discover how to keep our cells from betraying us - or is it we who betray our cells.
I want us to learn from our mistakes and refrain from making them again and again, for that is a sign of madness is it not?

I believe that if I connect with my Universe at a cellular level, (see works of Deepak Chopra) and begin to make the changes from there that that is how the expansion takes place and it grows and fills all of the void and then moves onto the other realities. As above so below, as within so without…
And of everything in between, we have an effect on everything and everyone we come into contact with and that means we are responsible for how that turns out.
The mind effects the body, external events make internal repercussions. What kind of impression do you want to make in anothers future as well as your own?