Wednesday 29 August 2007

M.E. and Ancient Healing

(shaman the one with eyes to see in the dark)

We are mind and body and Spirit. Why do we think that when one has dis-ease it will have no effect on the others? We are energy; we make it and transform it all the time; 60,000 years ago they made this connection. We made a light bulb and lost it! We focussed too hard on the machinery and forgot the fuel.
M.E is a dis-ease of the mind, the body and most importantly the spirit.
Shamanism is potentially an important factor in healing this dis-ease. The Shaman heals the Spirit as well as the mind and the body; one such healing is Soul retrieval.
At times of great trauma, stress, and long illness’ or of abusive situations the Soul fragments and parts will leave in order to protect themselves. This can happen at any time in life and the loss of this can bring a human being to their knees. They lose all interest in life and become wastelands of matter in the sea of apathy.
The Shaman is adept at accessing altered states of consciousness, which allows them to enter other world realities. It is within these other worlds that they seek out and find the answers, to do battle for the Soul part if necessary, to de-possess a person of less than totally supportive habits and to then journey back to the Seeker and teach them how to walk their path by connecting them with allies like Power Animals and Guides.
This also gives the Seeker back the power over the malaise that they may feel is at the root of the problem; releasing energy and allowing it to flow freely again.

Even although it is well over 60,000 years old it has applications to the modern dis – eases we suffer from.
M.E. also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which can advance to include Fibromyalgia; which attacks the muscle fibres themselves, causing a great deal of pain and an almost complete inability to function.
The M.E stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, it attacks the immune system via the brain and spinal chord. It can be a frighteningly debilitating dis-ease ranging from bone crushing exhaustion to in extreme cases long periods of hospitalisation.
Sufferers describe their symptoms as severe exhaustion, inability to do even the simplest of tasks like brushing their own teeth or washing and dressing themselves. Even completing a coherent sentence is a gargantuan task.
They become isolated by their inability to have enough energy to socialise or go shopping; even talking to people on the phone expends energy they just do not have.
I know this – I was finally diagnosed with it in 2002, but it has been with me now since at least 1976. Sporadic bouts in between long periods of remission, if you are lucky you may stay that way, if not the periods of remission become shorter and less frequent as the dis-ease relentlessly takes over your life.
M.E. is triggered by a lot of different circumstances and these are usually based in traumatic and or abusive events during childhood and through early adulthood, constant exposure to virus’, not taking time off or going back to work too early would result in consistently high levels of cortisol being dumped into the body. Myalgic encephalomyelitis is akin to battle fatigue. You can only be on your guard for so long before your body has to rest, if you do not – you wear the body out and the immune system with it.
What has this got to do with Shamanic healing?
People who have had traumatic, abusive incidents/ accidents or emotional breakdowns, whether through outside influences or self inflicted often will come to a Shaman with symptoms of M.E. they bandy around words like void, emptiness, fatigue, apathy, headaches, always catching colds, feeling ill all the time, they are just too tired to fight anymore.
The belief that during a time of trauma or abuse the Soul will fragment and part of it will leave the body in order to protect itself is also a part of Buddhist teaching – they describe the first trauma as that of birth. This would possibly be the first fragmentation, personally I think that it can happen in vitro and even if conception was not as loving as it could have been. If it is traumatic to the mother, then the foetus will experience it as trauma too.
The amazing burst of energy and vitality that happens when a Soul part is returned can be seen on the physical plane. The recipient not only feels the whole thing happening but the changes physically are immediately apparent.
They walk differently; there is a spring in their step, a light in their eyes and a lilt to their voice. Sometimes there are tears of joy or relief, recognition of a long lost friend returned home.
The job does not end there, of course, the Seeker is taught how to connect to themselves and their own Universe inside and out, but that is another story…
It is not for everyone, nothing is. This is a very subjective look at a subject that is personal to me. Shamanic healing saved my life in more ways than one, it is not a cure, but it is a healing. I am a work in progress and through becoming a Shamanic Practitioner the progress is coming in leaps and bounds.
All things are relative and what worked for me may not work for everyone, but it will work for some.
You don’t have to be ill to see a Shaman – we have lots of fun things we do too. It’s really intriguingly Quantum.

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