Friday 18 September 2009

Learning to Dance

And we are back in reality! Well of sorts anyway… not long returned from the Society of Shamanic Practitioners UK annual conference at Gaunt’s House Wimborne in Dorset.

We rose very early on the Thursday morning and travelled down from our home in Lanarkshire, it was a very peaceful and uneventful 7 hours. We had time to reflect and to gear ourselves up for the next 3 days and 4 nights of being manically Shamanically motivated.

When I say manic I mean it, there is a lot stuffed into this programme, from workshops on Mexican healing techniques of the Curanderismo to the unique and one time only event of the Ghost Dance.

The place was jumping with energy – and I mean energy, photographs contain a multitude of orbs the Ancestors were being honoured and they turned up in their hundreds to be so!

The most wonderful thing about this conference is the diversity of its delegates. So many people with so many different levels of experience and knowledge and as Leo Rutherford said, it gives an opportunity for the teachers to learn from the students.
Valuable as that is the camaraderie is second to none. For some it is the only time that they are in contact with others for the rest it can be the only physical contact as in these modern times most things are done by modem and micro chip.

So there is a bonding that goes on and yes it can be likened to a family that comes together for a once yearly festival, and that is such a good thing because we are just that – a family.

This family that comes together is but a branch of the clan that is part of the village that makes up our world and we are in a world of connections. The story of our family grows each time as we learn to dance together.

Connections need to be strengthened and maintained just like anything else worth doing it takes time and effort.

Beatles quote, ‘And in the end – the love you take, is equal to the love you make.’

Symbiosis. We are pack, we are clan, and we are family. Energetically we can feel the connections in the ether and we know how and when to get in touch. Easier now with email and particularly with the blog era having arrived; communication has never been easier and harder at the same time.

There is still the need for the physical connection – the shaking of hands, the kiss on the cheek the bear hug that says ‘It is so good to see you / be here with you now.

Memories are the sutures that glue us together, our stories, and experiences shared mend and heal wounds.

Remember then, all the experiences and leave behind the pain of growing. Celebrate that all our ancestors, from the two legged to the four and eight and more, of the winged ones, the standing ones and the stone ones have stories to tell.

If we would but listen to them, we could learn to dance the lesson and dance into our destiny - the one that waits for us.

Until we dance again around a fire…

To all my relations


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