Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Riding The Spirit Horse Webinar takes place on Thursday 26th June at 8pm

To sign up for this go to the Facebook Spiral Heart Healing events page and use the Mail Chimp signup form or indeed go to the website and join the mailing list This is just the first in a series of webinars that will take us deeper and deeper into the Shamanic groove that is the Dreamtime. From the comfort of your own living room we can explore that Dark Territory of the Soul-scape that is the 'tween' The place we hold our dreams, our expectations - our wounds. We begin with an overview and an introduction to our story and a foray into the trance that is guided visualisation. We do hope you will respect the Shamanic view of self responsibility and if you are on any mood altering medications or substances or indeed on something like blood pressure medications you will take advice from your health professional or indeed just opt out of this part of the webinar. Otherwise what you will need is a plant - even some living herbs from the supermarket will do for the connection journey and to make sure again that you are in a safe and supported space. No hot liquids near you and no chance you will fall over etc. Having some chocolate near to hand is good for grounding after such expeditions (that is my excuse and I am sticking to it!) Come tend the garden that is your Soul's self. Find new ways to connect to the Universe that surrounds you. Bring Your Self to the party and stay for some fun. Any questions or concerns contact us via the page on Facebook or via the email info@spiralheart.co.uk If you would like to join us and to comment or ask questions on the night send us your email address and we will send you the key and you can leave questions or comments via the You tube channel - this option may not be available on Google

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